Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness
Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness
Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness
The Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness (DSC) is a virtual congregation of the contemporaries from across the globe organized by the Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI) (Deemed to be University) Agra-282005, India., along with its sponsoring body the Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh. Aligned to its vision, DEI is pursuing excellence in the area of Consciousness, Agriculture and Entrepreneurship. Since inception, Consciousness Studies has been core to our educational framework. Our indulgence towards a Science of Consciousness through Commentaries and discussions internationally, took a leap forward in 2008 with the National Systems Conference organized by the Systems Society of India.
The chapter of ‘East-West Forum’ by DEI as a part of ‘The Science of Consciousness’ (TSC) conference series since 2012, organized by the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, was yet another milestone in the endeavour. The East-West forum chapter of TSC was organised by DEI for 5 years, ever since in every subsequent TSC (2012-2018) events. Thus, began the journey and today, DEI holds an independent bi-annual conference series, DSC, that began in 2019 with its first International event held in August at the University of Waterloo, Canada and an International (virtual) event that was held at Agra, India in May this year. The virtual international event (in May 2020) had a participation of about 100 thousand from 21 countries.
Towards Evolutionary Arts, Science and Engineering of Consciousness
(TEASE Consciousness)
Research in Consciousness at the Dayalbagh Educational Institute is spearheaded and mentored by Rev. Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, an internationally acclaimed technologist and systems engineer and the Eighth Spiritual Leader of the Radhasoami Faith, Dayalbagh. Prof. Satsangi’s approach Towards Evolutionary Arts, Science and Engineering (TEASE) of Consciousness emphasizes on integrating inner experience with the epistemology of natural sciences, i.e. scientific methodology.
Over the years, it has developed into an “Omni-quantum theory for spiritual consciousness system modelling in cosmology” (Satsangi P.S., 2011, CONCENT 2011) that explains the importance of the inner experience and provides an alternative way to study the macrocosmic phenomena. Rather than soaring into space in search of macrocosmic secrets, one turns inward and discovers the secrets, otherwise not revealed in the world outside.
Important Links
Felicitation of Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab as the eminent alumnus of Banaras Hindu University
Ambrosial Discourse of Most Revered Gracious Huzur Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi Sahab Arising from His Felicitation At IIT BHU for Eminent Alumni Awards Ceremony Held On 13th February, 2021 in VIRTUOUS “Virtual Reality Mode”
Release of ‘Special Cover with Special Cancellation’ of Radhasoami Satsang Sabha Dayalbagh
Generating conjectures on fundamental constants with the Ramanujan Machine
Letter to the Editor of Scientific American
Synergy between Dayalbagh and Dayalbagh Educational Institute
Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh, Agra UP 282005 INDIA
Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh, Agra UP 282005 INDIA