Satsang Colonies
The Constitution of the Sabha requires Sabha to establish, maintain and run colonies on the lines of Dayalbagh with objects similar to those of Dayalbagh which are
“(a) having an atmosphere and environments conducive to the successful performance of the devotional practices prescribed by the Radhasoami Faith,
(b) enabling the resident thereof to subdue their minds by subjecting themselves to proper rigour and discipline, and
(c) providing opportunities to the residents for service to mankind;”
Accordingly Sabha and the various Regional Radhasoami Satsang Associations have been establishing such colonies from time to time. Mention may be made of the colonies established by the Sabha in Roorkee in Uttar Pradesh, West Maredpally in Secunderabad and Melathiruvenkatanathapuram in District Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu. Colonies have been established by Regional Associations in Murar in District Buxar, Bihar, Srikakulam in Andhra Pradesh, Panvel near Mumbai and Satsangis Societies have established Colonies at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, Soami Nagar in New Delhi etc.
In order to give an impetus to construction of Satsang Colonies a new scheme was launched in March 2005. According to this scheme nobody will own any private property in these colonies. The land and houses will all belong to either Radhasoami Satsang Sabha or to the Regional Associations or to Societies of Satsangis. Persons desirous of living in these colonies will be licensees of the houses. They will be enjoined to live a simple life of rigour and discipline. There will be a provision for a Prayer Hall in the colony and according to local requirements, of a school, a first-aid centre or a dispensary, units for making goods of everyday necessity in a cooperative spirit on no profit basis and there will be opportunity for Seva. The benefit of the institutions there will be available to persons of the neighbourhood also.
In order to raise substantial resources required for the purpose the scheme provides for acceptance by the Body setting up the Colony, interest free loans or refundable interest free deposits to be paid back within five years. The loans or deposits are accepted from initiated Satsangis and there is a ceiling of Rs.1 lac for a person although many of them would wish to offer larger sums.
A colony on this basis has already been established at Cuddapah in Andhra Pradesh. Other colonies are coming up at Bolarum near Secunderabad in Andhra Pradesh, Amrit Puram near Kanpur, Mallanpur in Punjab. Other proposals are coming in.